@Fred-Blai thank you very much for the Decent, reasonable replies for my concern and backing me up. (Respect!) . But 24V input is a very rare case i guess , but I cannot say there wont be a case.
@Gabriel Ongpauco, @luz, those dock are insane in price when u need a production line with Omega2. a zenor divider would do nicely as a power source for my projects. As @Fred-Blai pointed out "Omega2: $5 Linux Computer" is not clever marketing at all.
I love this device from MTK https://www.seeedstudio.com/LinkIt-Smart-7688-Duo-p-2574.html, USB powered. Highly expected a similer product from Onion as well.

Gayan Priyanatha
@Gayan Priyanatha
Experience in providing total solution for a business from networking architecture to server allocations, software architecture plus embedded open hardware integration to solutions.
Contribution to open source Mesh Networking, FreeRadius and Apache projects, Contribution to open hardware projects.
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- Software Process from waterfall, Iterative to Agility.
- Open source + Open hardware
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- Team Building and Development of individuals
- Software Architecture from design and implementation
- Network Architecture from design and implementation
Best posts made by Gayan Priyanatha
Latest posts made by Gayan Priyanatha
RE: Power the Omega without board.
RE: Power the Omega without board.
@Fred-Blais, @fossette
link text
Arduino Pro min comes with a on board regulator for 3.3v power for the SoM. See how tiny the entire device with onboard regulator. Similar min size surface mount regulator comes in RPi as well. I do agree with the capabilities of Omega2. Incorporating a power source regulator to Omega in design stage would have made the module much more independent from power intakes if we had an on-board regulator. Think of a very small IOT device using Omega2 without much PCB around it, an internal regulator module have made the module much more robust. I don’t think I am unfair to ask for this from Onion authors. If you noticed the REPEATED, FREQUENT question developers asking on this thread I believe we are not asking too much. -
RE: Power the Omega without board.
@WereCatf as i have mentioned clearly on my quote I have layeid down more than LD1117, but I like LD117 since its very cheap, or if u can not find it a simple voltage divider with a zenor (as mentioned earlier) would make the product more nicer. But my worry is why authers did not want to have a simpler electronics to have a build in regulator, where it would make this product more viable for IOT platforms.
RE: Omega 2(+) Not starting
Seems they dont want developers to be open minded and use this for low cost applications. last night I used a variable power supply to power this up.
Min operation voltage : 2.6v @ 250ma
Max operation voltage : 3.6 @ 250maSeems it does not start if < 250 ma or similar. Funny thing is voltage around > 3.8V it works for cuple of seconds and restarts. Clever marketing I would say, they want there Power Dock to sold to us. Which it will not be smallest and cheapest Linux server.
Also you can power it up using 3V3 zenor with 20Ohms resistor for 5V/250ma USB input like Computer or a cheap mobile charger. (https://www.google.lk/search?q=3v+zener+diode+circuit&rlz=1C1CHBF_enLK714LK714&biw=1920&bih=919&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwisuazDwqnRAhXKsI8KHXzYBQ4Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=HZaFavh62ZO4FM%3A)
RE: Power the Omega without board.
@Luciano-S. Thank you for the reply :). Seems they dont want developers to be open minded and use this for low cost applications. last night I used a variable power supply to power this up.
Min operation voltage : 2.6v @ 250ma
Max operation voltage : 3.6 @ 250maSeems it does not start if < 250 ma or similar. Funny thing is voltage around > 3.8V it works for cuple of seconds and restarts. Clever marketing I would say, they want there Power Dock to sold to us. Which it will not be smallest and cheapest Linux server.
Also you can power it up using 3V3 zenor with 20Ohms resistor for 5V/250ma USB input like Computer or a cheap mobile charger. (https://www.google.lk/search?q=3v+zener+diode+circuit&rlz=1C1CHBF_enLK714LK714&biw=1920&bih=919&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwisuazDwqnRAhXKsI8KHXzYBQ4Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=HZaFavh62ZO4FM%3A)
Or u can also try LD1117 as author has mentioned on page https://docs.onion.io/omega2-docs/hardware-prep-no-dock.html. Which is not very famous part anyway.
RE: [SOLVED] Omega can't connect to WiFi
My WIFI is at WEP. Omega2 does not connect to this AP, but when I tired my hotspot on my nexues 5 (which is WPA2) it connected. Any help from any one is much appreciated.
RE: Power the Omega without board.
This is one of the worst products i ever experienced !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Its just a marketing trick to say "$5 world smallest linux server", there are many Soc products like this which all has 5V or more power intake with a regulator in build to normalize the operation voltage. Very disappointed with the product in first expression.