To conform to guidelines:
• Take a look at our list of resolved issues:
no resolved issues containing "hot" in the title
• Have you followed our setup guide:
Yes, I was following Powering with No Dock
• Have you checked different USB cables/ports/power supplies?
I have several other LD1117 which has currently working fine with devices load on them.
I recently made my one of my onion omegas to be an IoT server using and when some actual sensors were developed and started working, after about 10h of uptime I stopped receiving new data. Unfortunately I wasn't at home so could not quickly check it.
When I arrived back home, I still saw a solid led so I thought it's working and tried to debug my esp8266 boards, but after a while I came to a conclusion they are fine and suddenly I realised there is no iot wifi anymore. I could not login to ssh, so I decided to reboot the omega. However, after I disconnected and reconnected my omega, it didn't come with a led, I immediately decided to check the connection and accidentally touched the omega shielding and it was very hot. Just after that I disconnected it.
However, I still see steady 3.29V coming out of my LD1117 and I'm pretty sure it's fine. In fact, omega 2 is three layers of power supplies away from 220V electricity network: first is 12V power supply of my home router, then it's 5V power supply for usb, then LD1117 regulating it to 3.3V and I never had any issue with this usb port before, so I guess my power supply are fine. I also checked other LD1117 I have – I have same result.
As recommended in ticket 16419, I tried connecting to the Serial port but see literally nothing. I pretty sure there is short to ground somewhere inside shielding of the omega: I just noticed that LD1117 starts getting hot when omega connected and also a hissing sound from omega.
On the photo you can see the CP2102 UART to USB converter module which was set up after the failure. Also you can see LD1117 3.3V regulator with two capacitors, as recommended in it's datasheet. Regulator was tested before use (it still does work).
Nothing is connected to the other sized of the omega.
Some pictures required:

So, I guess I have [probably] dead omega now, just a day after it was set up. Generally there are two questions now:
- what do you think went wrong? is there anything I can do to ensure another omega will work fine?
- what else can you recommend to me? maybe there is a way to diagnose and replace something on the board to get it working again?