We have upgraded the community system as part of the upgrade a password reset is required for all users before login in.

Field Report Contest!

  • administrators

    We're running a field report contest in collaboration with Crowd Supply!

    Submit a field report for a project you've made with the Omega2 Pro, Omega2 LTE, or Omega2 Dash and you'll get a chance to share your hard work with the Omega2 community and have a chance to win some great prizes!

    Use the Crowd Supply submission form to submit your field report. Make sure to include a description of your project along with any supplemental pictures, video, or other resources.

    The Prize

    If your project is suitable, it will be published as a field report on Crowd Supply and you'll get a $25 Crowd Supply credit!

    Random Prize Drawing!

    And all publishable projects for each device received before September 1st will be entered into a random prize drawing:

    Grand Prize: Omega2 LTE Global
    2nd prize: Omega2 Pro
    3rd prize: Expansion Bundle (NFC/RFID, ADC, PWM, Ethernet, Proto)

    That's right, there's 3 of each prize to be given away.

    We can’t wait to see what you’ve made!

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