Have to admit, I'm getting frustrated. Seems like nothing is working or, at least, in some cases, not working properly.
1)Could not load the Editor or Terminal from the console (even after factory reboot and manual installation). Given up so now I'm doing everything via ssh on the command line
2)Unable to get to cloud via safari on iOS, crimping the iOT functionality a bit.
3)Cloud compile. Bit of a joke hey nudge nudge, wink wink. Been stuck on 'queued' for days now.
4)expled - well heck, seems like you have to downgrade the os
5)Very little on getting C cross compilers setup (for newbies like me esp) on OSX. Seems a waste to have so much power at your fingertips and to program hardware functionality using slow interpreted languages like python and php. If only the cloud compile worked reliably, that would help........
6)fast-gpio - let's not go there, hence there is no way to generate decent frequency PWM's on gpio pins unless....you got it, you have access to cloud compile or a cross compiler. (e.g. dimming and mixing colour on the RGB led)
7)Very little documentation on how to use the options on the cloud under device explorer. e.g. to run a command remotely (I did figure this out but also discovered that it will lose synch forcing you to logout and back in to the cloud to make it work every so often)
8)At one point I tried to install pip for python, it failed and I was left with a heap of modules chewing up memory. So, I figured the easiest to be rid of them would be a factory reset. I read the warning knowing all user files would be lost but did not expect to have to redo the wifi setup and re-install the console-base. And it all had to be done from the command line as the 'getting started' gui did not load.
I have numerous other problems and niggles but those are the main ones frustrating me right now. I know, some of these are due to my inexperience but hey, this device was supposed to make easy, fast and fun development and iOT easily accessible. Running a command (via the cloud login) that calls a script on the device seems a bit, um, light in the pants hey?
In the immortal words of King Louie, "So give me the secret, man-cub, clue me what to do."