Powering Pro or LTE from 3v3 pin
If i intend to embed the omega2 LTE, can I power this board from the 3v3 pin on the header, similar to how the omega2s & 2s+ can be powered?
Or will this not work due to the onboard battery management?
The alternative would be desolder the micro USB and power directly from usb power pads.
Is the any documentation regarding the LTE or pro power circuitry?
@Jake-Aston I'm afraid - if its schematic is correct - you can't power an Omega2 LTE board via its Expansion Header's 3.3V pins.
Omega2 LTE https://github.com/OnionIoT/Omega2-LTE
Schematic and layout files: https://github.com/OnionIoT/Omega2-LTE/tree/master/Hardware/R1.1Please correct me if I'm wrong - because I don't have an Omega2 LTE board.
Thanks @György-Farkas , unfortunately it does look that way. Didn’t realise the schematics for the pro and LTE versions were available.
Know any permanent methods of securing a usb-c connector in its socket? Those 5v USB-C pads are tiny.
Thanks again.
@Jake-Aston Omega2 Pro
Omega2-Pro/Hardware at master · OnionIoT/Omega2-Pro · GitHub
https://github.com/OnionIoT/Omega2-Pro/tree/master/HardwareBTW - if their schematics are correct - you could power both board via their Expansion Header's 5V (VCC5V) pin with +5 V of course.
In this case the on board "Power Dock" and the Serial Console (CP210x USB-to-UART Bridge) won't be available.(and again
Please correct me if I'm wrong because I don't have an Omega2 Pro board either.
@Jake-Aston Omega2 Pro - I checked its schematic again.
Theoretically you could power it via its Expansion Header 3V3 (VCC33) pins - with +3.3 V of course.
In this case the on board "Power Dock", the Serial Console (CP210x USB-to-UART Bridge), the USB Host Port and the Full-color Notification Led won't work.