IOError: I2C transaction failed.

  • I'm new using this module and I don't know if it's required to sed a previous byte command (0X0C) tp clarify that I want that the sensor to send me the disired data(I need the bytes 1, 2 and 7)
    I want to know the value of the parameters that sends the micS-VZ-89TE Oxygen sensor.

    What should be the value taht should be placed in the parameters named "bytes" and "direction":
    bytes = [???]
    status = i2c.writeBytes(0x70, direction, bytes)

    If I execute the command i2cget -y 0 0x70 ??, i get the error IOError: I2C transaction failed. I am using the sensor mic VZ89TE

  • @Victor-Lucio Unfortunately you can't use Omega2's i2cget command to read multiple bytes from an I2C slave which doesn't have any register address.

    i2cget is used to read a byte or a word (two bytes) from a specified register of an I2C device.
    i2cget -y 0 <DEVICE ADDRESS> <ADDRESS> [MODE]

    • <DEVICE ADDRESS> is an I2C bus slave address (eg. 0x70 in your case)
    • <ADDRESS> is the register address on the slave from which to read data (it can be between 0x00 and 0xff)
    • The optional MODE can be one of the following:
      • b – read a byte of data, this is the default if left blank
      • w – read a word of data (two bytes)

    I'm afraid you can't use either Omega2's I2C Python Module or I2C C Library for a similar reason.

  • @György-Farkas Thank you for responding, If I wish to send the 0x0c command to get the data that I need, and knowing that the data frame must be sent as shown in the image. I'm trying to send differents ways to get the data from sensor.

    from OmegaExpansion import onionI2C


    I think that the next options could serve
    VectorBytes=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF3] #0xF3 is the CRC calculated
    status = i2c.writeBytes(Device,Command, VectorBytes)
    VectorBytes=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF3] #0xF3 is the CRC calculated
    status = i2c.writeBytes(Device,Command, VectorBytes)
    VectorBytes=[0x0C,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF3] #0xF3 is the CRC calculated
    status = i2c.write(Device, VectorBytes)
    VectorBytes=[0x0C,0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF3] #0xF3 is the CRC calculated
    status = i2c.write(Device, VectorBytes)
    Data= i2c.readBytes(Device, AddressData, size)

    I just tried with the option 1 and option4. The problem with the option 2()(I think that it's the correct) and option3, is that the device address is 0x70, but when i put the parameter "Device" that really is 0x70(0b1110000) but due to that the write bit is 0 , the "new address" change to E0(0b1110000). I get a error because the 0xE0 it's not a know address(don't exist).
    I don't know if I'm clear with the problem :c. I would appreciate if you could clear my doubts or helm me with an alternativeto solve my problem.

  • @Victor-Lucio Supposedly you know the I2C slave address of your sensor module and it is 0x70. Right?

    Reading the Status:

    • Master writes to Slave: address 0x70, R/W bit 0, getStatus command 0x0C, maybe 4 dummy bytes (?!) and a CRC byte.

      0_1582922536705_sending data to VZ module.png

    • Master reads from Slave: address 0x70, R/W bit 1 , no data/register address - Slave sends 6 Data bytes and a CRC byte.

      0_1582922765171_VZ response.png

    As I wrote above Omega2's i2cget is not able to read multiple bytes from an I2C slave which doesn't have any register address.
    So you have to write a program.

    Sorry, I don't know this sensor and unfortunately I don't have such sensor - so maybe i'm wrong.
    And the available "datasheets" on the net are fairly funny - or probably I'm not clever enough.

  • Thank you for responding, the real direction is 0x70 using 7 bits.
    In other words is 111-0000.
    If I include the bit of R/W, this will be 0 if i want to write a data in the slave(sensor).
    .111000-R/W ----------> 11100000
    11100000 Is E0 in hex. For this reason, I have several concerns about this module, but I hope to solve it later. Thans again for taking my doubt. I will try to send you 6 bits as data and include the CRC byte. It is likely that when I insert the writeBytes command, the R/W bit is inclued internally without me noticing.

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