Hey guys, I was having trouble to reset my onion after a bad update of the FW.
Unfortunatly I own the arduino dock starter kit and it doesn't contain any USB TO SERIAL dock to update from usb.
I was able to modify a ESP8266 and use it as a USB to SERIAL to finally acces my onion with PUTTY.
the code for the esp8266 (I use a D1 mini) is simply
void setup()
void loop()
on a breadboard, short ESP8266 GND with RST.
Short onion RX0 to esp RX, onion TX0 to esp TX, onion GND to esp GND
power them both, check COM port for the ESP and connect with putty through the COM and using 115200 for speed.
and voila! now you just have to re-do a update to fix everything.