Sorry in advance for all the questions.
Is there a way to improve the camera performance in terms of frame rate, synchronicity, and noise?
Some observations:
- The current API looks like a loop. The loop goes like this:
fetch frame
process frame
display frame
check for escape character
Depending on the host processor, and the ability of the OpenCV stack to display the frame, the frame rate can be lower or higher.
The interface used is a virtual serial port (and it seems that is running at 4Mbits/s). So, a frame is only captured after it is requested.
Is it possible or planned to use USB Video Class (UVC) to enable a constant stream of frames from the camera?
I could be wrong, but I think the sensor used here is the Espros EPC635:
If so, the maximum frame rate available is around between 128 and 512 fps depending on the number of DCS frames collected. This might be limited in the Onion Tau due to the MCU used to capture frame data.
Finally, is a noise filter implemented within the Tau camera?