@mayur_ingle said in Firmware Boot Failure on Onion Omega2+: Steady Orange LED, Stuck Bootloader Mode and Missing Hostname:
Initially, it performed as expected, but after 14 days, the device entered a stuck mode, similar to previous occurrences.
The fact that it now takes 14 days instead of 8-10 days is strange. If the cause of modules getting stuck was indeed too many writes to flash, then I would expect the problem to be resolved. If this was not the cause, I would expect the time it takes to get stuck to be the same as before. It's strange that it changed by a few days.
From a high-level, what else does the script do? Are there any other interactions with the filesystem?
How often do you move the files from /tmp to the flash storage?
@mayur_ingle said in Firmware Boot Failure on Onion Omega2+: Steady Orange LED, Stuck Bootloader Mode and Missing Hostname:
The script is designed to automatically reboot and restart the system if Python is detected as not running,
How are you starting the python program in the first place? And is there a specific reason why you're rebooting the whole device if the python program stops running?
A more straight forward solution would be to run the python program as a service: the system will take care of restarting it if it stops executing, without the need for a full reboot and downtime.
This is the recommended approach.
See this blog post for more information on running a program as service: https://onion.io/2bt-custom-initd-service/
@mayur_ingle said in Firmware Boot Failure on Onion Omega2+: Steady Orange LED, Stuck Bootloader Mode and Missing Hostname:
Do you have any further suggestions for recovering the stuck devices, given that the bootloader menu doesn’t appear to be accessible?
This is a very strange situation. The bootloader is in a completely separate partition, I'm not sure how anything done in linux can impact the bootloader partition. Especially since the bootloader partition is set to read-only from Linux...
Suggestions from my previous post:
For the stuck devices your next step should be trying them on a standard Dock from Onion, and using a simple terminal program like screen, minicom, or putty to try to activate the bootloader menu.
Otherwise, these 3 devices might be write-offs. You can try to recover them by using an external device to rewrite the flash but we (Onion) don't recommend this procedure as a lot can go wrong.
@mayur_ingle said in Firmware Boot Failure on Onion Omega2+: Steady Orange LED, Stuck Bootloader Mode and Missing Hostname:
Could there be an underlying hardware issue contributing to this behavior?
I find this highly unlikely. Otherwise this issue would be seen on all Omega devices eventually.
Since other users have seen a similar issue and successfully resolved it by moving the writes to /tmp, I would venture a guess that it has something to do with how the compressed filesystem reacts to very frequent writes to files.
There's one more avenue you could explore. Try running the same program (but as a service and all file writes going to /tmp, and your reboot script removed) on the new beta firmware.
The beta firmware is based on kernel 5.15, there may be updates to how the kernel interacts with the flash that could resolve the issue you're seeing.
More info and installation instructions for the beta firmware found here: https://onion.io/embracing-the-future-new-omega2-beta-firmware-and-documentation-site/
Let me know how it goes!