python email [SOLVED]
Has anyone used the python-email module? A push in the right direction would be most welcome.
I was able to import smptlib on my desktop python installation and send emails, but not from the python-light installation on the omega. It seemed like there were too many extra required libraries. I got around this by using
mailsend -to -from -ssl -port 465 -auth-login -smtp -sub "Subject Line" +cc +bc -v -user -pass securePassword -attach /path/to/message/body.txt,text/plain,i
from a system() command.
mailsend is in the opkg repository.
@Martin-Oberg Thanks,, I'll give it a go.
@Martin-Oberg I'm still having no luck. I get some kind of error. Lets of stuff listed but I think this is the reason it fails:
connect(): socket=4,rc=-1, errno=150
Any ideas?Thanks
You need to allow gmail to allow less secure apps to connect. Reference :
This solved my problem.