Custom Login Banner?

  • Yes, it is simple, and mostly just for fun, but has anyone created any banner files that look cool, or give up some interesting information (uptime, mem, storage)? Mine is changed from the default, so I could keep track of which one I logged into. Simple and no real function, but hey, it's the little things, right?

    |                                               __----~~~~~~~~~~~------___     |
    |                                    .  .   ~~//====......          __--~ ~~   |
    |                    -.            \_|//     |||\\  ~~~~~~::::... /~           |
    |                 ___-==_       _-~o~  \/    |||  \\            _/~~-          |
    |         __---~~~.==~||\=_    -_--~/_-~|-   |\\   \\        _/~               |
    |     _-~~     .=~    |  \\-_    '-~7  /-   /  ||    \      /                  |
    |    .~       .~       |   \\ -_    /  /-   /   ||      \   /                  |
    |   /  ____  /         |     \\ ~-_/  /|- _/   .||       \ /                   |
    |   |~~    ~~|--~~~~--_ \     ~==-/   | \~--===~~        .\                    |
    |            '         ~-|      /|    |-~\~~       __--~~                      |
    |                        |-~~-_/ |    |   ~\_   _-~            /\              |
    |                             /  \     \__   \/~                \__            |
    |                         _--~ _/ | .-~~____--~-/                  ~~==.       |
    |                        ((->/~   '.|||' -_|    ~~-/ ,              . _||      |
    | Red Dragon                        -_     ~\      ~~---l__i__i__i--~~_/       |
    | Onion Omega 2+                  _-~-__   ~)  \--______________--~~           |
    | Firmware 0.1.9 b156            //.-~~~-~_--~- |-------~~~~~~~~               |
    |                                        //.-~~~--\                            |

  • I don't have my Onion yet, but I'm fond of using the login screen to display relevant documentation for the machine. I'm admin for a lot of machines, and sometimes when I'm trying to fix a machine I haven't logged into for a long time, I can't remember key files or settings, so I use the login screen to display useful operational hints, as well as status messages, notes, helpful hints, etc. So when I log into that server that just crashed, all my notes are there for reminders of whatever I need to know. It is also handy to put status like system state, free memory, free disk space, and any other useful diagnostic data I can figure out how to display. I usually have this info and more in a documentation wiki, or systyem monitor, but when the network is in a bad state, having the documentation cheat-sheets in /etc/motd or some other "in-your-face" location is useful.

  •  _               _                     ____   
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    | |_| | | | | | |  __/ (_| | (_| |  / __/_   _|
     \___/|_| |_| |_|\___|\__, |\__,_| |_____||_|  
      \    LE  \    /  ---------------------------------------------------------
       \  DE    \  /    Reboot (SNAPSHOT, r2988-d5e48ee)
        \________\/    ---------------------------------------------------------

    figlet or toilet are the asci-art programs for linux.

    Do not forget to backup it 😉 :
    spc /etc/banner username@computer:/your/backup/path/individualbanner

  • Ahhh.. that takes me back to the joys of Figlet.0_1488035367405_Screenshot from 2017-02-25 15-04-43.png

3 out of 4

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