Arduino Dock2 - Serial Read Collisions

  • All,

    I am reading data from the Arduino Dock2 and printing the data via python to the shell. Every now and then, the serial output gets goofed up and it prints a chopped up line. I figure this is due to the ArduinoDock running its script and the Omega's python serial read not being in sync. Is there a way to combat this? Sample output below.

    'V0: 0.72 V, V1: 0.70 V, V2: 0.72 V, V3: 0.72 V, VAVG: 0.71 V'
    'V0: 0.72 V, V1: 0.72 V, V2: 0.72 V, V3: 0.71 V, VAVG: 0.72 V'
    'V0: 0.72 V, V1: 0.71 V, V2: 0.71 V, V3: 0.71 V, VAVG: 0.71 V'
    'V0: 0.73 V, V1: 0.72 V, V2: 0.72 V, V3: 0.73 V, VAVG: 0.72 V'
    'V0: 0.71 V, V1: '
    '0.73 V, V2: 0.71 V, V3: 0.71 V, VAVG: 0.72 V'
    'V0: 0.70 V, V1: 0.72 V, V2: 0.70 V, V3: 0.71 V, VAVG: 0.71 V'
    'V0: 0.72 V, V1: 0.70 V, V2: 0.71 V, V3: 0.72 V, VAVG: 0.71 V'



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