Omega continously Booting cant find access point

  • Hello there,
    I know this problem is common and old but still, I can't find a proper solution for this.
    so the scenario is I recently bought onion omega 2.
    powering it using USB to TTL.
    first onboard LED is glowing then it's blinking (booting) and again and again this thing is happening.
    so what is the problem here?
    and because of this, I can't find ACCESS POINT of OMEGA.
    So I'm unable to proceed further. can anyone guide me.??
    I also connect omega with serial pins and on a putty terminal.
    I'm getting output like this.0_1538910115416_onion error.png

  • @Ankit-Rana said in Omega continously Booting cant find access point:

    ... onion omega 2.
    powering it using USB to TTL.

    What does it mean please?
    Do you have any Dock?

  • No way you can power it from the 5V or 3.3V output of a common USB-TTL adapter. (Which one do you have exactly anyway?). Surely the probelm is having not enough power / the startup current is so high that your USB port auto-shutdowns or the regulator gives up, dropping the voltage or shutting down.

    Do you have a dock for it? I recommond just getting an extension dock or a power dock where you can plug in a USB cable. Otherwise use a good powersupply with a 3.3V output.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Maximilian-Gerhardt @György-Farkas thanks for your reply, no I do not have any Dock and as you know the omega docks are costly and can't afford them right now.

    by the way, I'm powering omega2 using 3.3 and GND pins of USB TO TTL converter.
    and on the serial, I'm getting that output. but I can't find access point of omega.

    many of other say its power supply fault. but this USB to TTL giving exact 3.3 v and 500ma current that's enough for the board.

    and can you please check that serial output ??

  • The serial output you posted are the first few lines when the Omega2 attempts to boot. If it loops it means that the Omega2 attempted to draw too much power that the voltage dropped, shutting down the device and dropping the current flow, so after that the voltage went up again and the Omega2 attempted another boot. Infinite loop.

    500mA is what you get from the 5V output of the USB plug (at best). The 3.3V regulator placed on your USB-TTL adapter (which we still don't know what type it is exactly) may have an even lower current rating. Not to mention the power loss of a linear regulator.

    If you absolutely can't spend the money on a dock I suggest trying the following:

    • place a few biig (electrolytic) capacitors between the 3.3V output and GND, wait for them to charge up, then connect the 3.3V to the 3.3V input of the Omega2. The energy stored in the capacitor might be enough to overcome the initial surge current.
    • buy a cheap breadboard powersupply and hope it is suitable; they're like 1€ from Ebay via china.

  • @Ankit-Rana I doubt that you have any usb-to-serial converter which can provide 500mA @3.3V. Please give us a link about your device.
    You should purchase or build an appropriate 3.3V power supply.

      / __ \___  (_)__  ___    / __ \__ _  ___ ___ ____ _
     / /_/ / _ \/ / _ \/ _ \  / /_/ /  ' \/ -_) _ `/ _ `/
     \____/_//_/_/\___/_//_/  \____/_/_/_/\__/\_, /\_,_/
     W H A T  W I L L  Y O U  I N V E N T ? /___/"
    Board: Onion Omega2 APSoC DRAM:  64 MB
    relocate_code Pointer at: 83f60000
    # I suppose your "power supply" hiccups here 
    # and there is a short power off on cycle
    # ie. a short pause here.
      / __ \___  (_)__  ___    / __ \__ _  ___ ___ ____ _
     / /_/ / _ \/ / _ \/ _ \  / /_/ /  ' \/ -_) _ `/ _ `/
     \____/_//_/_/\___/_//_/  \____/_/_/_/\__/\_, /\_,_/
     W H A T  W I L L  Y O U  I N V E N T ? /___/"
    Board: Onion Omega2 APSoC DRAM:  64 MB
    relocate_code Pointer at: 83f60000

    These are only the very first moments of the UBoot bootloader on the serial console. Omega's boot process takes almost one (1) minute.
    Here you are a successful boot (Omega2+, FW v0.1.10 b160) - the first column shows the elapsed time.
    Your boot will differ a little bit of course (Omega2, FW ???).
    You could find the Omega's AP after a successful boot only.

    Good luck.

  • @Ankit-Rana
    Belivee others who had answered. It is the power problem. PERIOD.
    Fix it and your Omega 2 will thank you and treat you well.

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