Onion Omega2S - PCB design questions
I am designing a device that needs to have several additional components connected to Omega2S. The device doesn't need to have any kind of reset button. Looking to the schematics and the documentation, I find two things unclear:
- how to connect HW_RST_N and SW_RST. If SW_RST is "Active high" the it should be connected to GND while HW_RST_N is "Active low" so it should be connected to 3.3V? If yes, shall there be used some resistors like...10kOhm? Or to simplify, can the reset pins be left floating?
- I require to use two UART ports. As the device has 3 UART ports, that's possible. What's unclear to me is UART_TXD1 as System boot pin. Can I use n-mosfet: gate connected to Onion GPIO, source connected to UART_TX1 and drain to other device RX? Once Onion starts, set GPIO high and "activate" communication. Well, that's all under assumption that in startup process Onion GPIOs are low state.