What motor to use with Servo Expansion?
I'm a complete novice in the hardware world but would like to build a drone with Omega.
I have the Omega itself, expansion doc and a servo expansion.What motor should be used with the servo expansion? (links are highly appreciated)
Am I right that breadboard and soldering might not be needed?Thanks for help!
Hi @Konstantin-Lutovich. You should be able to use any servo motor for the servo expansion. For simple tasks that does not require high torque, these motors work quite well: http://www.amazon.com/J-Deal
And you are correct in assuming that you do not need soldering and breadboard to use the PWM Expansion.
I see a great include all list appearing in the future of the young Omega forces one which will list all compatible devices from one end of the spectrum to the other. Or maybe just wishful thinking.