Changing hostname of Omega and set static IP
How can I change the hostname of the Omega to include my local domain name? I'd really rather not use the .local domain if I can avoid it.
Also, how can I configure a static IP address?
@benthenchelys We will be releasing Console version "Early November" tomorrow (November 9th), and the settings app will be updated with both of these features.
Stay tuned!
FYI, we will be doing bi-weekly releases of the Console.
@Boken-Lin Great news, glad to hear plenty of work being done on the console side of things, Especially with bi-weekly versions.
To be "sheldon-esque", fortnightly or two a week?
I'm assuming fort-nightly as its referred to as early-Nov, I'll assume there'll be a late-Nov too then
@Sawyer-McBride Yup, it will be released fortnightly. We are actually constantly making changes to the Console. We just want to first get into the habit of releasing Console updates regularly, and then we can adjust the frequency of the updates to suit the community