bluetooth libraries?
Hi All,
Just got my Omega working, and it's pretty impressive.
I'd like to link up with some bluetooth devices. I have a bluetooth dongle plugged in. Went to the bluetooth audio project here ( and tried to follow along, but fell down at the first hurdle.
The instructions say to install the necessaries by typing:
opkg install obluez-libs obluez-utils <etc....>
opkg responds by saying those are both unknown packages.
Further, nothing in the repo (opkg search hciconfig) seems to provide those. there a currently supported way to communicate with bluetooth devices now?
It is not obluez, it is just bluez.
bluez-daemon - 5.38-1 - Bluetooth daemon
bluez-examples - 5.38-1 - contains many examples apps for bluetooth, requiring python
bluez-libs - 5.30-1 - Onion-Customized Bluetooth library
bluez-libs - 5.38-1 - Bluetooth library
bluez-utils - 5.38-1 - Bluetooth utilities
bluez-utils - 5.30-1 - Onion-Customized Bluetooth utilities