Error: List index out of range whit ubidots json dict
Hello! Im trying to get a varible from ubidots on omega2, this variable is a json dict and the values are 1 or 0 (its a switch). When a start the code remind me list index out of range error.
Error: File "", line 23 in main if tapparellasu[0]['value']: IndexError: list index out of range
The output of: print (tapparellasu) is [] and the output of print TapparellaSu is the name of the Ubidots variable (and so the program can get the ubidots variable but i can read the value from the dict.)
i've just talk whit ubidots support and if i run the script on the pc i've no one problem, but on omega 2 still not working.
Im using ubidots 1.6.6 python client code found on GitHub, whit python 2.7. i've not idea about where is the problem or how fix it..The code:
import os
import json
import onionGpio
import time
import ubidots
from ubidots import ApiClient
api = ApiClient(token='wefwfwfwefwefwefwefrwgewrgerfgwef')
gpio6 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(6)
gpio7 = onionGpio.OnionGpio(7)
tapparellasu = 0
status = gpio6.setOutputDirection(0)
status = gpio7.setOutputDirection(0)def main():
TapparellaSu = api.get_variable('uywqegfuywefkwaeuiyfyuwefjukghwef')
tapparellasu = TapparellaSu.get_values(1)
if tapparellasu[0]['value']:
status = gpio6.setValue(1)
status = gpio6.setValue(0)
print tapparellasu[0]['value']
if name == 'main':
main()Thanks for your help!
Ps: (sorry for my bad english)