Omega2+ ZeroMQ
Dear Onioneers!
I just got 10 new Omegas2 for my project
I am beginner, but I am following tutorials and project vol 1 and my knowledge increases. But, there is a limit to how much one can learn this way and now I need your guidance.
I have to implement ZeroMQ message broker. I found link on onion git: is Makefile file and patch file.
I downloaded them on one of my almost fresh Omegas (to /root/zeromq/).
make Makefile gave me error:
make: not found
(face into the wall).Ok, so I thought that make is from gcc, so I tried to install gcc. After extending my space: +
i installed gcc, make and debugger and make example project compilation in C, it worked fine.Now, make Makefile gives me something like that:
Makefile:31: / No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '/'. Stop.I opened in Nano this Makefile. This error references to this:
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mkAs I see correctly, my Omega does not know what is $(INCLUDE_DIR) or INCLUDE_DIR or what should it be.
I only installed python (with pySerial, minimalModbus and pip), nano, gcc, git and some packages for microSD.
Do I miss something important? Or maybe I did something wrong?
Could anyone send me some directions, what to do?Best regards,