Switched to Spectrum Arris Router and now I can't access the onion over Wifi

  • I just relocated to downtown Los Angeles and switched to Spectrum Internet with an Arris Wifi Router -- and even though I've set up the exact same Wifi network name with the same password .. when I initially powered up my Onion Omega2+ .. the light kept blinking and the device never fully booted. So I did a factory reset a couple of times, and was then able to get the device to boot -- and was even able to get in via SSH when I connected to the Onion's wifi hotspot. However .. now I can't access the web interface using a browser .. and I can only connect to the onion via SSH.

    I'm not sure what happened exactly, but I suspect that the latest firmware update must have mucked something up. Either that or there's an issue with my new Wifi router.

    How would I go about doing a proper, full factory reset (including reverting to a previous, stable firmware version)? The onion was working perfectly fine a couple of months ago .. but now it's being finicky, and I'd just like to restore it to it's initial state. Please advise.


    • Yvan

  • Great .. I just tried to manually downgrade to an older firmware version via the command line (omega2p-v0.1.10-b160.bin), and now when I power up the onion .. the light doesn't even blink (it just lights up immediately and remains solid). I think I may have bricked it. So what now?

  • Is there any way at all that I can un-brick the onion without having to connect via serial? I can get in via SSH .. but there's no internet connectivity, so I can't use wget to download a firmware bin file. Is there another way that I can copy the file to the device? For example .. how/where would I access the firmware file from a USB stick?

  • @Yvan-Gagnon said in Switched to Spectrum Arris Router and now I can't access the onion over Wifi:

    I think I may have bricked it. So what now?

    You have an Omega2+. Do you have any Dock?
    If you have some Dock with FW_RST Button then first of all try to do a Factory Reset (you know - long press 😉 because the '/etc/config/wireless' file of the MediaTek WiFi driver differs from the 'wireless' file of the Warp Core driver.

  • I have the MiniDock. I've already tried to do the factory reset multiple times (the long press - 15+ seconds -- and hold while powering up) .. and what happens is that the led flashes very rapidly while I'm holding down the reset button .. but then the light goes solid. And then when I power off the device and turn it back on -- the LED doesn't blink. It just immediately comes on and stays on. And no matter what I try, I can't seem to get the Onion to connect to wifi anymore. My guess is that I've installed the totally wrong firmware version.

  • @Yvan-Gagnon said in Switched to Spectrum Arris Router and now I can't access the onion over Wifi:

    Is there any way at all that I can un-brick the onion without having to connect via serial? I can get in via SSH ..

    Can you really connect with ssh to your "bricked" Omega?

    The Minidock has a USB-to-Serial chip - so you have a Serial Console.
    Have you ever tried it?

  • Yes .. I am able to connect to the device via SSH (I say "bricked" for lack of a better term). And I just succeeded at upgrading the firmware using a USB stick. Now the LED blinks when the device is booting up, and then eventually goes solid .. and I was even able to set up the Wifi connection via the command line. The problem now is ....

    1. I am only able to connect to the device via SSH when I am connected to the Onion's Wifi hotstpot.

    2. I am only able to access the onion's browser interface when I'm connected to the Onion's Wifi hotstpot -- and even then, all I'm getting is the Omega2 Setup Wizard screen (even though the wifi is already setup).

    3. I use to be able to access the Onion's web interface using it's unique hostname (ie: http://omega-XXXX.local/) .. but I now no longer able to do that (regardless as to whether or not I'm connected to the Onion's Wifi hostpot). And yes .. I do have the Bonjour service installed and running (I'm on a Windows 10 PC).

    4. I have an SD card installed and used to be able to see and access it .. but now the Onion isn't seeing it for some reason.

    -- Yvan

  • UPDATE: I am now able to access the Onion's browser interface (I apparently had to go through the set up again .. only I skipped the Wifi configuration part this time). Also -- I am now able to access the SD card.

    SIDE NOTE: I wish there was some indication that software is installing in the background when I choose to install the console during the setup wizard. The installation takes a while and it'd be nice if the LED on the onion would blink in a specific pattern or something so I know something is happening.

    However .. these problems still remain:

    1. I am only able to connect to the device via SSH when I am connected to the Onion's Wifi hotstpot.

    2. I am only able to access the onion's browser interface when I'm connected to the Onion's Wifi hotstpot.

    3. I use to be able to access the Onion's web interface using it's unique hostname (ie: http://omega-XXXX.local/) .. but I now no longer able to do that (regardless as to whether or not I'm connected to the Onion's Wifi hostpot). And yes .. I do have the Bonjour service installed and running (I'm on a Windows 10 PC).

    Any idea as to why I'm no longer able to access the Onion while connected to my home's Wifi network? I've been trying to using both the hostname and the IP address and it never resolves.

    Btw -- I've confirmed that my Arris Wifi Router is using the expected WPA2-PSK (AES) encryption.

    • Yvan

  • Can anyone here help me figure out how to resolve these remaining issues?

    • I am only able to connect to the device via SSH when I'm connected to the Onion's Wifi hotspot.

    • I used to be able to access the Onion's web interface using it's unique hostname (ie: http://omega-XXXX.local/) .. but am now no longer able to do that. Now the only thing that works is usingthe IP address .. and I am only able to do so while I'm connected to the Onion's Wifi hotspot.

    -- Yvan

  • Hi Everyone. A solution to this problem has been posted here in this other thread:


    -- Yvan

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