Can i use 5V sensors with Power-Dock2 when running only from battery?
I've been experimenting with omega2+ and a power-dock2. Now i wan't to be able to run everything with just a battery. However, battery is a 3.7V LiPo, and i need 5V for my sensors. So i was thinking to use a boost converter for that. However, i noticed in the schematic files of the power-dock, that the 5V from which the powe-dock gets the 3.3V comes from the battery charger.. also the 5V needed for the USB come from there.. So is it correct if i assume that the battery charger boost voltage to 5V?
I would measure it myself, but i'm not at home and the only thing i have here is my omega and my power-dock.
Also, could anyone tell me which IC is the battery charger? It is not specified at the schematic (or i did not find it)
@Pablo-Fonovich ACT2801 Battery Management IC by Active-Semi, you can use 5V powered sensors - but be careful - the GPIOs of Omega2(+) are not 5V tolerant.
@György-Farkas thanks a lot! Yes, i only need 5v for supply, thanks!