Librearies I2C Omega 2+
Hi, I was trying to communicate with a sensor using I2C, so I need to install the libraries of I2C for Omega. In other words pyOnionI2C, but when I search the files on the directory, this files are in blank. Someone could help me, sending the files with names :
I tried to remove the package(pyOnionI2C) and install the again, but the error continues. I think that it's is the reason of I get error during the writting of bytes.
Other question that I need solve, is this:
It's okay that I've only a file named i2c_xx in the folder dev?. This implys problems? Should not have more files? That it's to say:
@Victor-Lucio Please take a look at this: Official Onion Omega2 Documentation I2C Python Module.
'/usr/lib/python2.7/OmegaExpansion/' is not empty - it's an ELF binary file.The source code can be found in the Onion i2c-exp-driver GitHub Repo.
An example of how the onionI2C library is used can be found in the i2c-exp-driver repo.
The example code programs the Relay Expansion (an MCP23008 8-bit, general purpose, parallel I/O expansion IC for I2C) directly.Good luck.