Change of wifi password requires reboot
After many trials and errors with setting up the WIFI client, I realized that after changing the WIFI password, it is required to reboot the module.
It is not enough that the driver is restarting.
Could I be missing an action, or is there a workaround or fix?
I would like to avoid rebooting the system after changing WiFI passwords.
Steps to reproduce:
Start with a fresh onion
firstboot -y && sync && reboot -
setup bad password
wifisetup add -ssid TP-LINK_46EB -encr psk2 -password <BAD PASSWORD> -
wait for driver to restart
check network, no IP assigned (as expected)
ifconfig -
setup good password
wifisetup remove -ssid TP-LINK_46EB
wifisetup add -ssid TP-LINK_46EB -encr psk2 -password <GOOD PASSWORD> -
wait for driver to restart
check network, expected IP assigned, but found NONE
ifconfig -
try to restart all of network
/etc/init.d/network restart -
check network, expected IP assigned, but found NONE
ifconfig -
reboot system
reboot -
check network, IP assigned as expected
root@Omega-F082:/# onion os version
=== Version Info ===
Omega firmware: v0.3.2 b233
onion-os - 1.0.6-1