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Enable UART2. Or use UART0

  • As the UART0 seems to be occupied by the operating system I tried to enable UART2 and followed this post but it just doesn't works for me.

    Is there anything I might be missing?


  • @Radek said in Enable UART2. Or use UART0:

    I tried to enable UART2 and followed this post but it just doesn't works for me.

    What did you do/try?

  • I executed this command:

    @György-Farkas said in enable uart2 is posiible on Omega2+??:

    After this command omega2-ctrl gpiomux set spi_s pwm01_uart2 Omega2(+)'s UART2 (ttyS2) works well using GPIO16 as TX2 and GPIO17 as RX2 (8N1 default BAUD rate 9600 bps).

    # Omega2+ FW v0.2.2 b201
    root@Omega-5BE1:~# omega2-ctrl gpiomux set spi_s pwm01_uart2
    set gpiomux spi_s -> pwm01_uart2
    root@Omega-5BE1:~# omega2-ctrl gpiomux get
    Group i2c - [i2c] gpio 
    Group uart0 - [uart] gpio 
    Group uart1 - [uart] gpio pwm01 
    Group uart2 - [uart] gpio pwm23 
    Group pwm0 - pwm [gpio] 
    Group pwm1 - pwm [gpio] 
    Group refclk - refclk [gpio] 
    Group spi_s - spi_s gpio [pwm01_uart2] 
    Group spi_cs1 - [spi_cs1] gpio refclk 
    Group i2s - i2s [gpio] pcm 
    Group ephy - [ephy] gpio 
    Group wled - wled [gpio]


  • @Radek What was your next step?

  • Connected A9G modem to it and tried to communicate with it. As it didn't worked connected it to a USB/TTL adapter and tried to establish connection between my Mac and Omega2

  • @Radek Try to do as it is written here: https://docs.onion.io/omega2-docs/uart1.html. Only instead of /dev/ttyS1 write /dev/ ttyS2

  • @Radek
    Proof of Concept (unfortunately I don't have an A9G board)

    Serial communucation between

    • a desktop PC Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS with an FTDI232 USB-to-Serial module
      communication program: picocom -b 9600 /dev/ttyUSB0 (or picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 - 115200 on both device of course)
    • and an Omega2+ FW v0.3.2 b240 UART2 (/dev/ttyS2)
    root@Omega-5BE1:~# omega2-ctrl gpiomux set spi_s pwm01_uart2
    set gpiomux spi_s -> pwm01_uart2
    root@Omega-5BE1:~# omega2-ctrl gpiomux get
    Group i2c - [i2c] gpio 
    Group uart0 - [uart] gpio 
    Group uart1 - [uart] gpio pwm01 
    Group uart2 - [uart] gpio pwm23 
    Group pwm0 - pwm [gpio] 
    Group pwm1 - pwm [gpio] 
    Group refclk - refclk [gpio] 
    Group spi_s - spi_s gpio [pwm01_uart2] 
    Group spi_cs1 - [spi_cs1] gpio refclk
    Group i2s - i2s [gpio] pcm 
    Group ephy - [ephy] gpio 
    Group wled - wled [gpio]

    communication program: picocom -b 9600 /dev/ttyS2 (or picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyS2 - 115200 on both device of course)

    • HW connections: FTDI RX to Omega2 GPIO16 (TX2), FTDI TX to Omega2 GPIO17 (RX2), GND to GND

    It seems this serial communication is working well. 🙂

  • @György-Farkas said in Enable UART2. Or use UART0:

    picocom -b 9600 /dev/ttyS2

    Ok, I followed your advice and it seems to be working. At least between my Mac and Omega.
    I am not getting why I cannot communicate with the A9G from Omega when it works from my Mac.

    It's weird


  • @Radek How do you use the A9G board with Omega2's UART1 (/dev/ttyS1)? Is that config working well?

  • Nope. It doesn't work with ttyS1 either. This is really weird.

  • @Marko-Lukat said in How can I pass one GPIO pin to an other?:


    Pin 16 and 17 (UART2) is connected AT_RX and AT_TX respectively. The UART2 doesn't work by the way.

    Let's take a step back. Just short pin 16/17 (jumper wire), start a terminal of your choice on /dev/ttyS2 (on the Omega), disable local echo and start typing. Do you see any response (i.e. remote echo)?

    root@Omega-5BE1:~# picocom -b 9600 /dev/ttyS2
    picocom v1.7
    port is        : /dev/ttyS2
    flowcontrol    : none
    baudrate is    : 9600
    parity is      : none
    databits are   : 8
    escape is      : C-a
    local echo is  : no
    noinit is      : no
    noreset is     : no
    nolock is      : no
    send_cmd is    : sz -vv
    receive_cmd is : rz -vv
    imap is        : 
    omap is        : 
    emap is        : crcrlf,delbs,
    Terminal ready
    Yes, when I short GPIO16 and GPIO17 (UART2) with a jumper wire then I can see what I type... :-)

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