It says on the Kickstarter page that the DAC chip is Burr Brown PCM1794A flagship DACs in monaural mode.
It also says on the Kickstarter page that the ApplePi has a driver built in that Raspbian automatically detects. Maybe that's what I2C is for.

Posts made by Anders Öster
RE: Raspberry Pi I2S DAC Hat
RE: Raspberry Pi I2S DAC Hat
Yes I know that I2S is supported since some time now. Didn't know about that kernel issue though. What I wanted to know is if it's possible to use a Raspberry Pi hat with the Omega2+. One would think so. Just connect the correct pins? Or is a driver needed too?
Raspberry Pi I2S DAC Hat
I bought this DAC Hat on Kickstarter
So I will make a music player. I never wanted a Raspberry Pi, but I have Omega2+. So it hit me - could it be possible to drive
this Raspberry Pi Hat with the Omega2+? Is it possible to make an interface from Omega2+ to the DAC? -
RE: Omega2+ cannot install kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-usb-storage-extra kernel version mismatch
So when will a newer firmware be released?
RE: Omega2+ amber light keeps blinking
@Douglas-Kryder - I don't have connection problem. I have an Omega2+ that doesn't stop blinking after boot is complete. It's a known flaw in the first Omega2+'s.
RE: Omega2+ amber light keeps blinking
When I saw the recent de-bricking guides in the 2-bullet Tuesday e-mails I was inspired to return to my bricked Omega2+.
This time I managed to de-brick it. Updated to latest firmware, but the amber led still blinks all the time after boot. So there's still no solution to that? -
RE: tinyLiDAR
Yes I saw about the max 2m range, but for some things I don't need more than that.
They posted some instructables as example of what can be made:
A cool IGG project :
I think I'll back it and try one with Omega 2+ and Arduino Dock 2.
RE: WS281x, SK6812 driver for the Omega2? [Solved]
Very cool! So I'm planning to order some SK6812 for a small project. But it would be first time for me building and installing a kernel driver on Omega2. Could you make a small howto guide?
RE: Omega mini dock
Thanks to both, I wil try with a wire.
@György-Farkas - by pressing the reset button duriing boot you can access a menu and choose to flash the Omega 2+ from USB even when it is bricked as I understand it.
RE: Omega mini dock
Hmm maybe so. But I need to do factory reset by holding the reset button on booting, and doesn't seem to work.
I saw in som ethread here someone mentioned that the reset button of the original mini dock doesn't work when trying to do that. -
Omega mini dock
I read on here a couple of weeks ago that apparently the original mini dock doesn't work fully with
the Omega 2+ (reset button). When will a newer mini dock be available on the Onion store? -
RE: [Resolved] Attaching PCM5102 to Omega2 (I2S)
Can you provide links to articles on Omega and WM8960.
RE: No serial port console
I also have a problem with Arduino Dock 2 and an FTDI adapter. The Arduino Dock 2 turns on (blue led on), but
the Omega 2+ doesn't turn on. I have connected my FTDI adapter as in the photos above. What could be wrong? -
RE: New omega2 boots with Omega-0000 AP and wont let me connect
I too now have an Omega 2+ with the Omega-0000 name. It had a regular MAC address based name until now. This happened after I upgraded with oupgrade -latest -force to 1.9 152. If I use the Omega-0000.local address the setup wizard starts.
RE: Might have bricked my Omega2+, can't connect via serial
A noob here too ) I have ordered this adapter :
Now I notice it says RX1 and TX0 on it. Will it work for the Omega 2+?
RE: Omega2+ amber light keeps blinking
Yes, seems to me the console is somehow destroyed when the Omega is shut down. Also, restart and power off commands doesn't seem to do anything on my 2+. Both on command line and in the console.