When I made the initial configuration by mistake, do not put / www in folder name or absolut path, and now the editor does not show me any folder, how can I correct my error? I already tried uninstalling but when it is installed I do not get the initial configuration screen.
thanks for your help.
attached reference image

andres mac
@andres mac
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Mistake during the initial setup of code editor.
RE: Problem after move to new firmware
Hi Lazar
Thank you so much for your help, I reinstalled the firmware using a USB storage and I think my Omega2 is alive again, now my terminal and the df command looks like this.
Before making a mess again, I would like to know if the steps to Booting from External Storage (micro SD card) are the same as shown at
Or are different for the new firmware?Thanks for your time.
RE: Problem after move to new firmware
Hi Lazar,
Thank you for your technical support,
before read your answer, I tried this command:
umount /overlay && jffs2reset && reboot
and now my terminal looks like this
with a tmpfs file mounted on /tmp/root
and the overlay is using the 86% ( is this normal after a factory setting reset?)then a try with your command and this was the result
And the overlay persistent at 86%.I think that my omega2 is going better,
But Every time that I connect to the omega, the setup wizard appears can you help me with that and with the tmpfs file mounted on /tmp/root, and the 86% of overlay, I just want have my omega2 like new (with all erased as factory)
Thank you so much for your help, and excuse my English
Problem after move to new firmware
After upgrading my firmware I have a problem trying to Boot from External Storage, So I made and Factory Reset. and after that:
The look of my terminal change, see the picture
Every time that I connect to the omega, the setup wizard appears
If a press the Reset button at the dock for 10 seconds nothing happens.How can I resolve these issues?.
I just want start from Zero with my omega2
thanks for your time