Thanks, be attempting a simple DHT22 project with the Omega 2+ and haven't gained any traction as of yet, hoping to piggy back on your work. Appreciate your sharing!

Brad Hontz
@Brad Hontz
Maker, robotics mentor, data scientist, application developer.
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RE: Omega 2 C++ GPIO management library
RE: mjpg_streamer would like to capture stills on SD card
@WereCatf said in mjpg_streamer would like to capture stills on SD card:
Thanks for the quick reply. I rsync the ipkg to my onion and attempted opkg install:
root@Omega-0000:/www/webcam# opkg install mjpg-streamer_r182-8_mipsel_24kc.ipk
Installing mjpg-streamer (r182-8) to root...
Collected errors:- opkg_install_pkg: Package mjpg-streamer sha256sum mismatch. Either the opkg or the package index are corrupt. Try 'opkg update'.
- opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package mjpg-streamer.
I tried opkg update and then repeated but received the same. Could likely be doing something wrong here (grommet level) so happy to take on the help. Thanks in advance.
mjpg_streamer would like to capture stills on SD card
I have a streaming webcam using an old logitec webcam and mjpg_streamer -i " -d /dev/video0 -y" -o " -p 8080 -w /www/webcam/". Works fine. I'd like to capture stills to my SD card. Researching the mjpg_streamer parameters, it appeared that mjpg_streamer -i " -d /dev/video0 -y" -o " -f /tmp/mounts/SD-P1/pics -d 5000" would capture a file for me every 5 seconds. However, the opkg build installation did not include (or else I can not file) Anyone know how to build this plug in for mjpg_streamer on the onion?
Spa/pool pH level monitoring
For a home spa or pool within reach of the network, remotely montor pH levels via a mobile app.