I've just received my Omega2+ with expansion board and followed the Get Started instructions to connect it to a Windows PC via a micro-USB lead, but quickly hit some problems.
The LEDs on the expansion board and on the Omega2+ don't light up at all when power is applied.
I can see the Omega2+ write this out to the serial console using Putty on my host PC (115200 8N1):
Board: Onion Omega2 APSoC DRAM: 64 kB
relocate_code Pointer at: 7ff70000
This photo shows the Omega2+ is connected via COM5 because it's connected via a powered USB hub. It connects via COM3 when connected directly to the host PC.
Linux does not start up and the AP is not visible using a WiFi analyzer.
I've tried with different USB leads connected direct to the host PC and via a powered USB hub (which incidentally powers a Particle Photon, Olimex JTAG programmer and Logic Analyzer just fine), but I always get the same result.
The Omega2+ is plugged into the expansion board correctly as shown below.
I've checked the 5V and 3.3V power lines on the header socket with a digital meter and they are present. The RF screen on the Omega2+ does get warm but I would expect that.
Can someone tell me why it's not booting up?
Edited 24/12/2016 - added a couple of more photos to show the both rows of pins inserted into the headers and one of underneath the Omega2+ to show that no pins have folded inside underneath the board.