@Lazar-Demin I just found out that the way I am connecting the relay was soooo wrong sorry for your time. I will delete this post.

Ferhat Ural
@Ferhat Ural
Best posts made by Ferhat Ural
Latest posts made by Ferhat Ural
RE: I/O with 3V relay hangs omega after closing circuit
RE: Setting static IP
I can permanently edit resolv.conf but it is cleared on the next boot
RE: Setting static IP
Edited the /network file and I was able to login to the network with the desired IP address. But I don't know how to setup nameservers since without them I cannot ping domain names (but I can ping the router).
Here is my setup (I tried option dns-nameservers but with out luck) :
config interface 'wwan'
option proto 'static'
option hostname 'OnionOmega'
option ipaddr ''
option netmask ''
option gateway ''
option dns-nameservers '' -
RE: Python Scripts - Suggested Workflow?
You can always use Sublime Text with SFTP/FTP plugin to connect through ssh and sync files while editing them (you set it up to upload your file every time you press save)
Setting static IP
Do you guys know how can I set a static IP address for the wifi (wlan0 - the one that connects to my router)?