Now one question please.
[ things are going strange on my Omega: the /etc/TZ file is now present on my system, but the /etc/timezone one I was featuring a few days ago has disappared!!! Well, this is good news, since I am back to normal, but I don't understand what happened. ]
I am trying to change the timezone with the command line, by mimicking the console:
uci set system.@system[0].timezone=XYZ
uci commit system
This changes the /etc/config/system file, but /etc/TZ is not changed (it is actually a link to /tmp/TZ, which does not change).
And finally the "date" command still features the previous timezone 
So, what should I do on the command line to actually change the time zone?
Thanks in advance!
(btw, when I change the timezone through the console, all is changed properly)