Hello guys !
I'm not sure if this would be usefull for anyone else than me, but i'll put the idea out there.
In the moment, I would really enjoy being able to use the OLED screen along some analog input. The thing is, the shield is taking all the GPIOs once stacked. Doing all the soldering and routing the pins to use only a few GPIO with the OLED screen to allow me to use the rest for the analogs is kinda a mess. Having the facility the use the shields is really a big plus for me .
So, what would that be to have some kind of shield, something looking pretty close to the relay shield, but instead of offering Relay this would be analog pin. Is that something possible ?
Thx for not bashing me out there, kinda new to all of this and want to avoid soldering the most I can hehe.
Have a nice day people !