I am a new user to the Onion Omega and it seems to be a pretty decent device once you get past the setup hiccups and problems.
Biggest issue I had was not being able to upgrade the device. I had to login via SSH then run the following command
opkg remove dnsmasq
rebooted the device and logged back in via ssh and ran the following command
vim /etc/resolv.conf
added 2 lines
and then oupgrade would run properly. I am not sure how to make those changes persistent as they seem to have reverted back to what is was even tho no upgrade was done because it said I was running the latest version. I am not sure why the DNS servers provided by DHCP are not used but they aren't.
On another note. I have been using ESP8266/ESP32 modules for several years now using MicroPython. I have written a large number of modules to control or collect data from an assortment of different ICs . some examples include PCA9685 16 channel PWM interface, MPU9250 (9 DOF) (with fusion algorithms), SK6812 RGBW addressable LEDs, Sparkfun OLED HUD, PCF8574AN 8bit IO expander, MCP2515 CAN interface, Vector CANdb++ CAN decoder/encoder, CAN interface timing register generator for 20 different CAN IC's running at different clock speeds.
Everything thus far is written in Python. I have to write a c extension module to handle SK6812 LEDs and I will probably use Cython to do that. I might do that with the CAN interface stuff as well due to the speed in which the network can run.
Is there a central place where modules like the ones listed above can be placed making it easier for people to find them?? If there isn't it would be a great idea to set up something like that. I am aware of the github repository bit it doesn't appear to be used very much. Maybe adding it to the github repository should be considered. pip is able to install directly from github and someone wanting to contribute doesn't have to go through the process of adding a library to the python package index at all.
Another nice feature would to create stub files (.pyi) files for the c extensions that are already made. makes using an IDE a whole lot easier.
I do have a question. is it normal for the Omega2+ to be at 105°F just sitting idle and not doing anything?? that seems to be pretty hot considering it's maximum is 131°F.