The address is the same: I live in Pavia, Italy, the street is in your database.
If there is a procedure using a connected USB thumbdrive, please let me know, so you can save an ethernet module and the shipping expenses
Thank you!
The address is the same: I live in Pavia, Italy, the street is in your database.
If there is a procedure using a connected USB thumbdrive, please let me know, so you can save an ethernet module and the shipping expenses
Thank you!
Managed to access with root an 5up as password (default OpenWRT root password)
The wifisetup script is not present
I connected an Onion Omega via USB to my PC.
The Omega board LED is lit.
No wifi network is present (my pc is connected via wifi and the wifi is working)
If I go to the console via serial instead of the welcome screen described in the documentation I see this:
(none) mips #6 Fri Aug 28 16:51:14 CST 2015 (none)
(none) login:
Using root/onioneer does not work.
Any suggestion?