@Diego-Sueiro, did you ever manage to get this solved...? I was recently looking at ResinOS/BelanaOS, and noticed they were using Yocto for their builds - so was looking for the BSP for the Omega2/2S/etc...

Malcolm White
@Malcolm White
Best posts made by Malcolm White
Latest posts made by Malcolm White
RE: Yocto BSP layer
RE: Hologram and external connections
If you take a look at https://hologram.io/docs/guide/cloud/spacebridge-tunnel/, about half way down the page it explains how to connect without using the Spacebridge tunnel software.
RE: My first real-world onion project...
Just curious - where did you get your boards made? They look great!
RE: AdHoc/Mesh Networking
Did you manage to sort out the dependency issues?
I was debating whether to give this a go myself, or try Babel and Shncpd - the whole IPv6 part of that is the only reason I am not rushing into it.
RE: oled-exp draw image format?
If you take a look at the github source of the i2c-exp-driver, there is a subdirectory called bmp2lcd. In there is the javascript on how to create the image (looks like a simple packed binary stream).
RE: hardware spi pins?
@Lazar-Demin, thanks for that - if it's that close, I can be patient.
@Andrei-Railean - that was my original thought - the need for I2C, SPI and RS-232 coming from the Omega - going that way still may be the best option. Bit banging RS-232 at the speed I need maybe doable, but wasn't so sure for SPI.