yeha, i know these files do get created by sysfs.
As some programs might have the need for polling interrupt state:
Is it possible for you to change your code, that files like
get created somewhere else?
in order to get pollable files, which look just like them?
1 | 0 in /pathsomewhere/gpioN/value
rising | falling | both in /pathsomewhere/gpioN/edge
in | out in /pathsomewhere/gpioN/direction
[ Polling from /sys/kernel/debug/gpio does not seem to be the very best idea, as all GPIO interrupts are written right there.
In order to be able to use polling correctly on those files, they need to support POLLPRI (methode?)
stackoverflow.com/questions/15422919/difference-between-pollin-and-pollpri-in-poll-syscall ) ]
That seems to be quite a handy feature, if there already is a program which needs to poll interrupt states of a given pin, one would not have the need of 'massive' code changes.