@WereCatf hmm Well anyways thanks for trying to help me

Posts made by MultiDJRoni
RE: DHT 22 Sensor does not Work :/
RE: DHT 22 Sensor does not Work :/
@WereCatf Hmm, i tried a different Breadboard, re arranged the Cables etc. and i still get an error
RE: DHT 22 Sensor does not Work :/
@WereCatf Ok it works more or less now xd But now it says "Unable to read sensor, check the wiring, pin number!"
$result = get_dht_values(6, "DHT22"); // change the pin number and DHT type accordingly
$message = $result[0];
$temp = $result[1];
$humidity = $result[2];if( $message == "success" ) {
// if successful, happy days let's spill the data out
echo "<p>The current temperature is <b>" . $temp . "Ā°C</b> and the humidity is . <b>" . $humidity . "%</b>" ;
} else {
echo "Error: " . $message;
}function get_dht_values($pin, $dht_type) {
if( ( $dht_type != "DHT22" ) && ( $dht_type != "DHT22" ) ) { return array("Invalid DHT Type", 0, 0); } // Run the command using the exec() function, delivers the output in $output exec("/root/checkHumidity/bin/checkHumidity $pin $dht_type 2>&1", $output, $return); // -255 = bad if( $output[0] == "-255.000000" ) { return array("Unable to read sensor, check the wiring, pin number!", 0, 0); } // must be all good, lets return the data $output[0] = number_format( (float)$output[0], 2, '.', '' ); // temp $output[1] = number_format( (float)$output[1], 2, '.', '' ); // hum return array( "success", $output[0], $output[1] );
The Sensor is connected to PIN 6 on the OMEGA 2
RE: DHT 22 Sensor does not Work :/
Ok im downgrating the Firmware and text back as soon as i know something new
RE: DHT 22 Sensor does not Work :/
@Luciano-S i googled the whole morning xd But there was nothing that really helped me out
@WereCatf Thank you so much for your help! Well, if i now check the Temperature with "./checkHumidity 1 DHT22" it says "Segmentation fault" and the PHP does still just show "0`s" :c
RE: DHT 22 Sensor does not Work :/
@WereCatf Oh :C And where do i need to change it? And what do i need to change?
Im sorry, im new in the "IOT" and i have just some expirience with the Arduino, but i really like the Omega. So im thankfull for everyone that can help me
DHT 22 Sensor does not Work :/
Hey Guys
I have tried to make a weather station to read how frustrating it is to go out this morning xd
I have done this following this Tutorial here: https://wiki.onion.io/Tutorials/PHP-DHT11-DHT22-Sensor-Examples
But my Problem is, that it just shows 0`s
Here is my "Result Page" and my PHP script, and also how i plugged in the Sensor.
Thans a lot for your help and have a nice day
RE: Node-Red Installation
Oh, after long research, i found this and it seems to work
RE: omega2 plus sdcard not working
Well, i just got my Omega 2 +, its on the latest Firmware and it still does not work .__.
RE: Apple Home Kit
@fossette said in Apple Home Kit:
@MultiDJRoni , what compatibility aspect are you interested in? The Omega 2 seems to use lots of standard features, so compatibility to them is there by default.
as much as i know you need a certification from Apple (Im not sure, but i mean i heared something like this)
Apple Home Kit
Is it anyhow possible to make the Omega 2 Home Kit compatible? That would be soooooo nice
RE: What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project)
@fossette said in What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project):
@MultiDJRoni said in What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project):
But because LED`s take too much energy, i would need this?
Maybe a led strip takes too much energy, but how about just one LED?
From the documentation here:
The GPIOs of the Omega have:Maximum drive: 24 mA
So, anything less is safe to use. I can't recommend a particular circuit, but others with more electronic knowledge can (and surely someone already did).
I don't have the Omega (1) to test, but I guess that you could use the ON-BOARD OMEGA LED if it's not obstructed by your OLED module. The above documentation says it is wired to GPIO27.
I also thinked about this, but it just does not look good (or that goog)
@Kit-Bishop said in What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project):
@MultiDJRoni While the display you reference (http://ebay.eu/2brESNp or http://ebay.eu/2bYf3pA) communicates via I2C and is potentially controllable from the Omega, I don't know whether or not the chip/display it uses is the same as or compatible with that used in the OLED expansion. If it is not, you may be up for additional coding work to control it from the Omega (not a totally trivial task).
I still think you would be better of using a Prototype Expansion (http://www.robotshop.com/en/proto-expansion-for-onion-omega.html) between your Expansion Dock and OLED Expansion and wiring the Prototype Expansion to provide access to the I2C lines (GPIO 20, GPIO 21, 5v, Gnd) and other pins you need for access to your other devices.
I will try
Thank you both for the tipps!
RE: What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project)
Ok i thinked again about it and i think i will put the LED`s behind my Desk and under my Monitors.
But now i need to controll them, and i found two Versions:
A: To use it with a Breadboard and the Arduino adapter
B: To install them directly to the Expansion dock.For Version A i would need the following things:
Omega 2 with the Arduino Dock and the Parts marked in this Thread: http://makezine.com/projects/android-arduino-led-strip-lights/For Version B: Ok here i need help
Would you reommend doing it with the Arduino or directly with the Omega 2? And what do i need exept those things?
RE: What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project)
@fossette said in What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project):
This visual may not bring enough attention, not enough contrast, especially if you are looking at your screen, and are very taken by the task at hand. How about you make a LED flash instead?
Can you read out my Brain
There was already something like this: https://community.onion.io/topic/743/using-omega-with-led-lightstrips/18
But because LED`s take too much energy, i would need this? (Its not necessary, but much easyer, right?) 
So like an LED Stripe under my Screen witch blinks when the dor opens
Should that and an 12V LED Strip be fine? -
RE: What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project)
@Kit-Bishop said in What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project):
@MultiDJRoni You pretty well have things covered.
However, I would make a few comments:- I don't think you need the I2C Adapter: https://www.controleverything.com/content/I2C-Master?sku=OOI2C since both the Temperature Sensor and the Buzzer you reference both use I2C and can be connected directly to the I2C pins on the Expansion Dock (I2C SDA=Pin 21, I2C SCL = Pin 20, also need to connect 5v and ground) - though the Omega uses 3.3v levels on the pins they are 5v tolerant and I have successfully connected 5v I2C devices.
- For the Magnet sensor, you should connect this from a suitable GPIO pin to ground with the same GPIO pin connected via a pull up resistor (10K ohm is fine) to 5v
- One issue with the OLED Expansion is that it ends up covering up the pins on the Expansion Dock - the best way to get round this is to use a Prototype Expansion and wire it to provide access to the I2C and other GPIO and other pins you need access to. Then plug the Prototype Expansion in to the Expansion Dock then the OLED expansion can plug in to the Prototype Expansion
Oh, i dint saw that coming that the OLED Expansion blocks the Pins and the OMEGA also has i2c pins xD facepalm
Would a Display like one of those also work: http://ebay.eu/2brESNp or http://ebay.eu/2bYf3pA
(If so, witch one would you prefer and is easyer to use) -
What do i Need (Parts for the Omega 2 & My Project)
Hey Guys! First of all i wanna say sorry if i spell something wrong and so on, im from Switzerland and i just have 3 Jears of English behind me
So, my Project is the Following: I will order the OLED Expansion and the Expansion dock. I also ordered a Temperature Sensor.
I will show the Temperature outside with the OLED Expansion on my Desktop.
But because my door is behind my desk, every time someone comes in my room and i dont hear it because im wearing my Headphones, and i then look behind me, i get scared xD So if someone Opens my door, it should change from the Temperature to a blinking Picture of an open doorFor this i have ordered a Magnet sensor.
What else do i need exept those parts here and is it even possible? (I shortened some links because they would be annoying long):
I2C Adapter: https://www.controleverything.com/content/I2C-Master?sku=OOI2C
Temperature Sensor: https://www.controleverything.com/content/Temperature?sku=MCP9808_I2CS
Buzzer: https://www.controleverything.com/content/Digital-IO?sku=PCA9536_I2CBZ
The Magnet sensor (Shortened Ebay link): http://ebay.eu/2cj3T2MThanks for taking the Time to help me out! I Really appreciate that
RE: Using Omega with LED lightstrips
@Luciano-S. said in Using Omega with LED lightstrips:
Yes it looks good. As i see you could use it also without an omega. Connect your Alarm door switch with your strip power source and beside your computer you could control it with the IR Control.
After when you get your omega you can use this tutorial to control your LED Strip.Oh, ok. I will order it and reply here if it worked or not, thank you for the tipp