@Miguel-Peredo it looks like @Omega303 is still in the process of putting together a guide 
What @Omega303 mentioned above is you do following steps to get the 1 wire running:
Upgrade your firmwire to the latest (via the gui under settings is easiest)
touch /etc/modules.d/55-w1-gpio-custom
vi /etc/modules.d/55-w1-gpio-custom
Then add this one line (replace 19 with the pin # you want to use):
w1-gpio-custom bus0=0,19,0
- Restart your onion. Then you should see contents in /sys/devices/w1_bus_master1/* now ... if your device is plugged in then there should be a file reading /sys/devices/w1_bus_master1/28-DEVICEID/w1_slave (28-DEVICEID where * is the id of your device)
I'm currently not getting a read from #3 - so that's where I'm stumped (any advice with the comments above?)
but at least I know w1 is running.