@Paul-Koene For me the problem turns out to be in the length of the WiFi key. I had a key using the maximum allowed length. After reducing it to 31 chars it works fine.
Posts made by Paul Koene
RE: Omega2+ fails to connect to wifi
RE: Omega2+ fails to connect to wifi
Having this issue with a brand new Omega 2 Pro. Connecting to my WiFi network results in an infinite loop of the below message. I have tried messing around with compatibility settings in my Unify controller, but nothing resolves it. Also tried the suggestions made here. Unfortunately without success either. I can get it to connect to my iPhone as hotspot. Upgraded the firmware this way, but this didn't help either.
Weirdly enough I have an Omega 1 and an Omega 2 (not plus) connecting without issues to this network...
Interface apcli0 link up! (WPA2PSK AES)
RE: Omega2+ fails to connect to wifi
For me the WiFi has also been a mayor pain in the ass. In the end I have now setup a Omega2 to connect to an original Omega which in turn connects to my WiFI network.
RE: GPIO PHP Pulse detection
The GPIO pulse counting seems to be working
@Kit-Bishop I'll keep an eye out for your project. Would still be neat if I could hook this on hardware interrupts.
RE: GPIO PHP Pulse detection
Whoops, my bad. I just multiplied the usleep by 1000 so I am actually looking at ms... The omega now has time to come up and breath for air during the polling. It still is somewhat taxing with only 66% idle time remaining, but that's fine for now...
GPIO PHP Pulse detection
I am trying to detect a 100ms pulse using php. The idea is that I want to count these pulses. Below is the PHP script I am currently using. Unfortunately this leaves the omega 0% idle so this approach probably won't work. My guess the biggest hog is the rapid spanning of the fast-gpio binary. I read some posts about a value file in the sysfs mount but this unfortunately only seems to be filled for gpio8. It would be neat if I could just get an interrupt / event on a pin change. Is there anyone who can give me a nudge in the right direction or should I just invest some time in getting a C compiler for cross compiling up and running?
<?php $shadow=0; $debounce=0; for(;;) { $input=substr(exec("fast-gpio read 0"),-1); if($shadow!=$input) { $debounce=2; $shadow=$input; } if($debounce>0 && $shadow=="1") if(!--$debounce) echo "1"; usleep(45); } ?>
RE: wifi password phrase
Hi Frank,
I have rebooted it a couple of times and it seems to come up without problems every time.
RE: wifi password phrase
Hmm, after using the up arrow to retry the wifi command a couple of times it now suddenly does connect... Problem solved I guess...
RE: wifi password phrase
@Lazar-Demin I actually used the web interface through the Omega provided app and wifisetup through the menu system. I have now tried your version through the serial console. This gives me a bit more information. It gets to associated and then says deauthenticating with either reason 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING or 1=UNSPECIFIED. @Robert-Gusek Did you join any networks that spaces and specials characters in their WPA key? It can also be that the problem lies in the - character that's in the SSIDs I'm trying to connect to. The network that did work doesn't have that either. It does have spaces in the SSID though. I guess if it works in the SSID it should also work in the WPA key....
RE: wifi password phrase
By a password phrase I mean the WPA key to be multiple words and special characters including spaces. The omega seems to have problems connecting to this. Connecting to a wifi network without these special characters in the WPA key works just fine...
wifi password phrase
I am having difficulty in getting the onion to connect to a wifi network that is protected by a password phrase instead of a password. Has anyone else had problems with this?