Hello ,
I'm trying to start mosquitto at boot (because it doesn't).
By adding /etc/init.d/mosquitto start in /etc/rc.local it doesn't work.
However if I add in /etc/profile, it starts after I log.
May be an idea?
Thank you.
Hello ,
I'm trying to start mosquitto at boot (because it doesn't).
By adding /etc/init.d/mosquitto start in /etc/rc.local it doesn't work.
However if I add in /etc/profile, it starts after I log.
May be an idea?
Thank you.
I had to install Console by opkg (https://community.onion.io/topic/1169/cant-install-editor-app-on-omega2plus/2), because nothing was installed by the setup wizard.
Now I can change the hostname with the console.
But if someone knows the file to change...
Thank you Douglas
It is possible to change the omega's name "omega-ABCD.local" which is variable by a fixed name i.e: "myomega.local"?
I searched in /etc/config but not found...
Thank you.