Hi, and sorry about rebreathing old topic alive.
I finally got my Omega2+ with Power Doc through 1st Time Setup using the Command line (or somewhat completed it) and got WiFi connection to work to the outside world. Then I went and updated firmware and now I got WiFi connection unstable and slow. 
I have owned Omega2+ from the crowdfunding times but haven't got earlier just time to really try it out. Years back I got tired on not getting WiFi to work and didn't have time to solve the problem.
So what I recently did:
- I struggled several days in order to get WiFi connection to work, finally this one solved the WiFi connection problem to WiFi router:
(Apparently the trick was to set ipv6 '0' in "network" and/or it was related to setting Bssid in "wireless". I'm not sure since my last trial included both additions.)
- After 1st Time Setup I decided to update my firmware, since it was very old, before continuing with anything else
- After files were downloaded there was a message on rebooting (can't recall anymore exactly what it was) but rebooting did not occurred automatically in 15-20 minutes and I did power reset
- Omega2+ boots up but now the WiFi is very unstable I can't get practically anything to work. FW is updated to 0.3.2 b233
Current status:
- No connectivity via my WiFi network, only direct connection working but it's unstable and slow
- Omega-xxxx.local not working now, I need to go directly via
- My edits on "wireless" and "network" disappeared instead there is new and totally different setups. Files are a lot different where I originally started from to work on functional WiFi connection
- Some of the commands are missing like
and ia
doesn't lead to anywhere, it asks the things, restarts wifimanager but not nothing changes (as it was originally also)
- Manual editing wireless and network is practically impossible since connection is slow and drops out every now and then (so
-editor at least exists)
- Factory reset nor power on/off's do not seem to affect in anyway
I wonder if I own a brick now. Any advices for a beginner?