i am attempting to utilize the micro sd card (as i have an omega2+ built in micro sd card) to create extra storage and virtual ram
so frustrating everything seems super fragile, takes lots of attempts
again took me along time to even identify the sd card, following the tutorial to format ext4 didn't work
i had to download a windows formater stick the card direct into my pc to do it
but anyways sorry about the rant
i found the sd card (not where documentation directed me) but by typing in 'df' into command line
found the command 'df' by randomly googling it, i couldn't find command 'df' in help docs
now for some reason my omega keeps dropping the mounted sd
i can see it, i can see where the file is, then i try and do something to it and it can't access that file
i do 'df' again and it is gone!!!
so i eject it and reinsert if 'df' and its back ... sometimes
super frustrating
finally got to creating swapfile (extending the built in ram this is to get enough ram to run node red)
by following documentation
following the documentation i get to this point
the command 'swapon' (which was the next tutorial step) to initiate the swap file comes up as an error !!
-ash: swapon: not found
here is the command i typed in
swapon /tmp/run/mountd/mmcblk0p1/swap.page
can someone please help ? what is wrong with that command and why is the micro sd constantly dropping ? when i say constantly it can stay up for 2 minutes or10 seconds - not sure if it doesn't like a failed command and it drops it, or it just drops by itself, from what i can see it seems to be random
sorry guys i really want this to work