I am able to install node using Opkg Install Node,
when I create sample program , simple hello world, it is working fine.
'use strict';
console.log("Hello world");

however when I run following code in Js,
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
'use strict';
// Choose a protocol by uncommenting one of these transports.
const Protocol = require('azure-iot-device-mqtt').Mqtt;
// const Protocol = require('azure-iot-device-amqp').Amqp;
// const Protocol = require('azure-iot-device-http').Http;
// const Protocol = require('azure-iot-device-mqtt').MqttWs;
// const Protocol = require('azure-iot-device-amqp').AmqpWs;
const Client = require('azure-iot-device').Client;
const Message = require('azure-iot-device').Message;
// String containing Hostname, Device Id & Device Key in the following formats:
// "HostName=<iothub_host_name>;DeviceId=<device_id>;SharedAccessKey=<device_key>"
const deviceConnectionString = process.env.IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING;
let sendInterval;
function disconnectHandler () {
sendInterval = null;
client.open().catch((err) => {
// The AMQP and HTTP transports have the notion of completing, rejecting or abandoning the message.
// For example, this is only functional in AMQP and HTTP:
// client.complete(msg, printResultFor('completed'));
// If using MQTT calls to complete, reject, or abandon are no-ops.
// When completing a message, the service that sent the C2D message is notified that the message has been processed.
// When rejecting a message, the service that sent the C2D message is notified that the message won't be processed by the device. the method to use is client.reject(msg, callback).
// When abandoning the message, IoT Hub will immediately try to resend it. The method to use is client.abandon(msg, callback).
// MQTT is simpler: it accepts the message by default, and doesn't support rejecting or abandoning a message.
function messageHandler (msg) {
console.log('Id: ' + msg.messageId + ' Body: ' + msg.data);
client.complete(msg, printResultFor('completed'));
function generateMessage () {
const windSpeed = 10 + (Math.random() * 4); // range: [10, 14]
const temperature = 20 + (Math.random() * 10); // range: [20, 30]
const humidity = 60 + (Math.random() * 20); // range: [60, 80]
const data = JSON.stringify({ deviceId: 'myFirstDevice', windSpeed: windSpeed, temperature: temperature, humidity: humidity });
const message = new Message(data);
message.properties.add('temperatureAlert', (temperature > 28) ? 'true' : 'false');
return message;
function errorHandler (err) {
function connectHandler () {
console.log('Client connected');
// Create a message and send it to the IoT Hub every two seconds
if (!sendInterval) {
sendInterval = setInterval(() => {
const message = generateMessage();
console.log('Sending message: ' + message.getData());
client.sendEvent(message, printResultFor('send'));
}, 2000);
// fromConnectionString must specify a transport constructor, coming from any transport package.
let client = Client.fromConnectionString(deviceConnectionString, Protocol);
client.on('connect', connectHandler);
client.on('error', errorHandler);
client.on('disconnect', disconnectHandler);
client.on('message', messageHandler);
.catch(err => {
console.error('Could not connect: ' + err.message);
// Helper function to print results in the console
function printResultFor(op) {
return function printResult(err, res) {
if (err) console.log(op + ' error: ' + err.toString());
if (res) console.log(op + ' status: ' + res.constructor.name);
I am getting following error, can some one help here to resolve this issue ?