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Posts made by Uwe Press
RE: Webcam?
@Chris-Ward Just received my C270 today and it is working fine. Still struggling with my PS3 cam
RE: Webcam?
@Boken-Lin Just received my new PS3 cam and having the same problem like Theodore with: init_VideoIn failed
RE: Omega as a Wifi AP / Router
@Boken-Lin Can't find it on Wiki- or not yet uploaded?
RE: OS X El Capitan connection issues
@Boken-Lin See attached picture. The thicker one works very well and the thinner one is only able to carry power.
RE: Webcam?
@Andrew-Nixon please let me know which command you have used that your camera is now working.
RE: OS X El Capitan connection issues
@chris-thanks for the hint with the power cable. On my Mac Airbook I have the same problem that the left USB doesn't work while the right one is working perfect.