@Josinaldo-Albuquerque-Barbosa Try a factory reset this may fix the wifi issue before spending to much time on the serial matter, the procedure is here
RE: Omega2 I can't get serial connection
RE: Missing packages when building Custom Firmware
@DocHardinger You can add the required feed to feeds.conf.default, just add a new line:
src-git p44 https://github.com/plan44/plan44-feed.git
Then run:
scripts/feeds update -a
scripts/feeds install -a -
RE: Uart 2 always goes back to gpio
@MK rc.local is the lowest impact file, changing the DTS requires building new firmware, a DTS overlay requires deployment to your production system, if in fact you are using the 23.x Beta in production, otherwise you need to build new firmware.
By default the rc.local is empty, it simply executes commands as if you were typing them at the command line.
Of all the options, changing rc.local would be the easiest and the least risk, the other options I provided are more technically complex and easier to break things, but I provided them as they can set the muxing option at an earlier stage of the boot process, which may be your requirement.
RE: Uart 2 always goes back to gpio
@MK The most common solution people use if to add the omega2-ctrl command in your /etc/rc.local so it will execute at boot. If you need it set earlier in the boot process then you can modify the DTS to default it to uart, or if you're using the new beta 23.x firmware you can create a DTS overlay to override the DTS setting. Earlier than that you can modify u-boot to set the default.
RE: Why was kmod-spi-gpio-custom discontinued
Thanks @Lazar-Demin saved me some work.
RE: How to debug python code?
@defa85 I don't use VS code but you can debug python code using gdb and you can run a gdb server on Omega2. I mainly develop in C/C++ and debug using gdb remotely.
RE: Why was kmod-spi-gpio-custom discontinued
Thanks @Lazar-Demin and @luz . I'll look at the swd-spi overlay to see if it works for me, I need it on owrt 24.10 so hopefully it works there.
I'm not quite there with wrapper(s) yet, I agree they are great for standardisation but owrt 24.10 stable is already released and since rc5 performs well so I'm trying to keep more current.
RE: Omega2S+ sys_led pin
@Lazar-Demin It's clear there were no coding standards, when I first looked at it I was a bit agast, but it's old and open source projects have come a long way since those days, try submitting that to the Apache project.
RE: u-boot binary too large on compile
@Lazar-Demin a lot of the issues I'm seeing are caused because of the build tools version gcc 3.4.2 (released 2004), which is 9 major release behind the current 12/13 (I'm using OWRT 23). The issue @luz posted is not so unexpected due to the many changes related to how extern and inline has been implemented/standardised in the last 20 years.
As time permits I'm working though some of the these issues, but keep wondering if as you mentioned it would be better to spend time moving to a modern u-boot. I wonder if we could move to the modern u-boot but patch it to reduce size, or is it better to wait for the Omega3
RE: u-boot binary too large on compile
@luz take a look at my fork of your fork. The issue seems to be caused by the use of extern inline in io.h and bitops.h if you change them to static inline it fixes the assembler issue.
Once that's sorted there as some other stuff to fix but I haven't had time to look at this yet.