Using GPIO
Hello Onioneers!
Just a quick request for help with gaining control of GPIO pins after a Node script using omega_gpio has terminated. After reboot the script runs fine but starting it up after terminating exits with error "Error: Pin 0 is already in use." I have had similar issues with python too.
Is there way to release the pin so that Node can take control of it again?
Omega 2+ running b160
echo GPIO >/sys/class/gpio/unexport
where GPIO is a number.
See also Freeing Up GPIOs.You can find a nice explanation here by @luz.
If I misunderstood your post, please read this tutorial Onoff Node Module for Omega and especially "its" documentation.
Thank you @György-Farkas
It works on most ports - just battling with 7, 23 and 26 which i think is probably to do with some system reserved function although i have turned off i2s etc. Will keep trying...