Multiroom Set-Up with Onion Omega 2 | Cross Compile Issue with SnapCast

  • Hey guys,

    I'm new to the Omegas world and I'd like to share my first steps and my first project with the community. Also I'm stuck at a point currently but I'm going to describe it later.

    My first project is a Multi-Room Audio System. Thankfully, in times of Corona, I have now enough time to do so.

    I'm using three Onion Omega2, which are set up like it is described in this article:

    A litte change was needed, because it did not work right out of the box. Instead of installing Shairport with

    opkg install shairport-sync

    I needed to use instead:

    opkg install shairport-sync-openssl

    The rest worked absolutely fine. So I got pleased by three working AirPlay Speakers in my home.
    I really like this set up, it works fine for me with my Mac and iTunes but there is one problem I'm actually facing.

    I'm also using a Raspberry Pi with the software Volumio installed as a standalone Media Player in my garage. Volumio does not offer the capability to output audio via AirPlay but it has a Plugin for SnapCast. Referring to this GitHub post it seems like its possible to run a Snapcast-client on the Onion Omega but it needs to be cross compiled. I tried that (I spend the whole last two days with this task, I'm afraid...) with no luck.
    I followed this instruction: And I stuck using the following command the second time to choose the SnapCast package. After:

    $ make menuconfig

    I get the error that Greps could not find the SnapCast Makefile under the given path. I double checked that... it is there. But I'm not able to figure out how to get that up and running.

    Does anybody here have an Onion Omega with a running SnapCast Client and could help me out make it running or could just share with me the already compiled file?

    What's left to say: Stay healthy in times of corona and I'm looking forward to hear your thoughts about my project and hopefully you can help me with my problem!

  • @asyxcv, you should compile it manualy, next link will be usefull: How to compile C/C++ native applications

    You are trying to use old manuals about LEDE.

    Another way your project has also special manifest for the OpenWRT system (see snapcast/openWrt/Makefile.openwrt) it needs to make .ipk-files (packages) for the opkg util. But this file is old and needs to be fixed. And last: making your own packages for opkg is very difficult task for masters. More infirmations about it you can get from OpenWRT official documents, community and examples.

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