Editing/Updating the 'distfeeds.conf' file through Terminal.

  • I'm trying to uncomment a couple of the lines in this file, specifically the packages, so I can make use of the bluez features. However, and I apologize for my shortsightedness, I cannot figure out what I'm supposed to do once I've accessed the file with cat /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf. I can't click and edit, and if we need to retype the lines without the pound sign, my keyboard doesn't let me write underscores.

    Any and all help is appreciated.

  • @Scruffy this is using vi editor, vi has two mode, command mode and edit mode (insert mode). to edit, press the letter "i" then you can type and delete characters. To get back into command mode press ESC, now you can use vi commands. Here are the most useful commands:

    Quit: :q!
    Save and exit: ZZ
    Delete line: dd
    Search: /

  • @Scruffy :

    Please try this site: https://www.openvim.com

    It would help to get started with vi.

    745F:/# vi <path_to_file/file_name> or
    745F:/# vi /etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf
    (in your specific example) is how you would call the (txt) file into the "buffer" of vi in order to edit it.

    Once the editing is completed, the file needs to be "saved" permanently, by writing back the "buffer" onto the permanent storage.

    You would do that from the "command" mode of vi ( there will be the "vi command prompt, the colon < : > at the left-bottom, every time you are in the command mode).


  • Exactly what I needed. Thank you, guys.

  • One other question about distfeeds.conf. Does one of the commented lines include the udevd command? It says it's not found on my end.

  • @Scruffy I think you want hotplug which is installed by default.

  • I took a look. It seems hotplug would be under /etc/ if it were here (correct me if I'm wrong). How would I install that? Would opkg install be sufficient?

  • @Scruffy /etc/hotplug.d take a look at a post a wrote a while ago about using hotplug to execute some scripts with an interface comes up.


  • Would creating a script such as this be done through the Code Editor, or still in the Terminal? I'm suspecting the former, but I want to be careful with proceeding.

  • @Scruffy I think I saw the code editor the first time I setup my very first Omega, thereafter I've never used it. Simple scripts I would just write using vi in the console, or otherwise I would use either netbeans, Jetbrains IDEA or TextPad then use FileZilla to scp it to the deivce.

  • My mistake. Hotplug is present (you can view the directories 'File Explorer' style with Code Editor), but it doesn't come up when I search for it.

    Also forgot to use opkg update after uncommenting some of the distfeeds.conf lines. It still doesn't seem to have made a difference for either udevd or hotplug, which are the ones enabled.

    I am sorry for the pestering on this. I'm trying to do it to fill out a small portfolio for graduate application, and nobody in my department seems to use Onion technology, so I can't just get into a call with them to troubleshoot.

  • @Scruffy hotplug is installed on the standard firmware, it is part of OpenWrt 18.06 upon which the Omega firmware is built, it is not something you need to install.

    I'm not clear on what you are expecting to find on the file system, /etc/hotplug.d contains all the scripts and you can add your own to respond to the available events.

  • How I'm interpreting this is that, I can try putting in a script to create 'udevd' as a command to use.

  • @Scruffy No. udevd is a linux thing and OpenWrt is a little behind. Hotplug is the earlier concept upon which udev is based and what we use on OpenWrt/Omega.

    So forget about udev on Omega or OpenWrt generally and go back to the basics of what you wish to achieve. My earlier post addressed one of my requirements that I wanted to run a setup script the first time one of my Omega devices connects to the user's wifi. Basically when I build my devices they have the then current version of my custom firmware installed, but I am always updating and improving so I want the device to run my setup shell script the first time the user unboxes my device and connects it to their home wifi.

    I achieve this by using a hotplug script that runs the first time wwan device come up. If you look at the standard scripts under your /etc/hotplug.d you can see that the Omega uses hotplug to respond to a range of device functions/state changes.

    For completeness I should mention there is a libudev available on openwrt, however I found it to be pretty much a shell of Linux udev functionality, save your time it seemed to be more of a stub to assist porting apps than a serious implementation.

  • Just beware that vi is at the center of 'evil'.

  • Okay, my misunderstanding. Thanks for clarifying.

    The project I'm trying to accomplish is the old Bluetooth Speaker from the first project book, so I can pair that with a Sharc DSP board, so I can practice sending an audio signal, while modifying it at the same time. At the moment, the next step, where the 'udevd' was coming from, is creating a pulseaudio daemon that will run in the background until called upon.

    I'd have to imagine that the command line would have other commands/ways of doing this without the need for creating custom scripts for reference. I'll take a look back at the library, just in case.

  • @William Scott:
    To me, vi, git, shell etc. are testing grounds. If I can not get those right.. I can never get my programming right..:)

  • @tjoseph1 I'm with you, hence the sarcastic humor. Keep hammering at it and you'll get it! When you need help, we're here for you, then before you know it, you're one of us telling someone about O2+ power requirements or vi is at the center of 'evil'. Dig?

    take care!!

  • @William Scott:
    --before you know it, you're one of us telling someone about O2+ power requirements or vi..
    Was there any mistake ? Can you please explain ?

  • @tjoseph1 No mistakes I'm aware of or opinionated about. Really seems to me there have been a number of problems on the forum recently that seem to smell like power supply problems. Keep on keepin' on!


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