How to install 'OAuth' for PHP
Hi Sorry I am still totally lost...
I don't seem to be able to run the first command to setup the Cross-Compile Environment.If I type ....
$ apt-get install -y subversion build-essential libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex quilt git-core unzip libssl-dev
I get $ not found, or if I just start command with apt-get .... I get apt-get not found error.I have tried this from both the control panel command line interface and the serial interface.
What is the $ at the beginning of the commands and why is my device not recognising it?
Hi @Brian-Moreau, It seems that you are trying to setup the cross-compile environment on the Omega. You need to set it up on a Linux computer. The cross-compile environment is an environment that allows you to compile source code to Omega-specific binary. Since the Omega itself doesn't have a huge amount of computational resource, it is usually done on a desktop (or laptop) computer.
Do you know how to setup a virtual machine? We can walk you through the steps.
Hi again @Boken-Lin ,
I very much appreciate your help and assistance in this since it is not strictly an Omega problem.
Ok I am using WINXP PC and have in the past made dual boot so I should be able to manage to do that again but just wonder if you would recommend which virtual machine would be best for working with the Omega?
@Brian-Moreau I have had a lot of success running a KUbuntu 14.04 VM in a VirtualBox VM under Windows
@Brian-Moreau Yeah, like @Kit-Bishop mentioned, one of the Ubuntu version is probably the easiest to get started. We've also got pre-compiled SDK for 64-bit Ubuntu.
Hi again @Broken-Lin
Ok I made some progress...
I installed KUbuntu on another computer.
I have followed steps 1 and 2 for setting up the Cross Compile Platform and all is good.
I now have the following prompt..
/openwrt t$I am now at Step 3: Update Feeds but unsure what to do?
I typed cd feeds to go to the feeds directory but it says no such file or directory.Thanks in advance
@Brian-Moreau Some small bits of clarification that may help:
- There is no directory feeds - feeds is a script file in the directory scripts under your openwrt directory
- The file feeds.conf.default that needs modifying referred to in Step 3 of the tutorial is in your openwrt directory
- The command to be run as described in Step 3 i.e.:
scripts/feeds update -a
should be run from your openwrt directory.
It runs the feeds script that is in the scripts directory. - All other commands covered in the tutorial should similarly just be run from the openwrt directory
@Boken-Lin said:
Do you know how to setup a virtual machine? We can walk you through the steps.
This would be great been thinking about doing this while I wait on my second Omega. Could you be so kind as to post the steps for setting up VM?
@Rudy-Trujillo First you will need to get and install a copy of VirtualBox. This can be found at:
Then you will need an OS image to run on the VirtualBox - most commonly used for Omega work seems to be KUbuntu.
There are two ways to do this:
- The hard way: download an ISO of the KUbuntu version you want (these can be found here: Then create a VM instance in VirtualBox that you install to from the ISO image - i.e. set the VM up to boot from the ISO image as a CD/DVD and follow the installation process. When that is complete, disconnect the VM from the ISO image and when you reboot the VM, you should be running the installed system.
- The easy way: Download a pre-installed VirtualBox VM image for the version you want. I would suggest the one that can be obtained from here:
Then just open it using VirtualBox and you will be running the pre-installed system.
@Rudy-Trujillo A PS to my previous message: some people prefer VMWare over VitualBox.
A free copy of VMWare can be found at:
The principle of VMWare is pretty much the same as VirtualBox
I am less familiar with the availability of pre-installed VMWare images and you may have to do a google search for one.