Using the SPI interface to send an image
Hello all. I have a pet project in which I will need to send an image from an onion omega over to a screen. I would Imagine the best thing to use for this would be SPI, as the screen has MOSI, MISO, CS, and SCK pins. However, I am not sure how I would go about doing this. Would someone mind explaining to me how to send an image (specifically a SVG) to a screen via SPI? thanks!
@Daniel-Jones You can use the Onion SPI C Library or SPI Python Module for communicating with your display.
As for actually sending commands to the display, you'll have to check out the display's datasheet to see how it expects commands/data.
alright! I will check it out and see what I can find. I am still not sure how to send an image to the screen. Im really new to SPI, so learning as I go! Thanks for the help.
alright. With some digging, I found this datasheet for the driver used in my screen
So most of that datasheet is Greek to me. Would I be able to use a library like this one to do all of the translating for me?
@Daniel-Jones Most likely!
Try building a program with that library code using the Cloud Compile App on the Onion Cloud
is there somewhere I could find a tutorial on how to build a program?