Shairport-Sync AirPlay
I'm trying to get the shairport-sync to work. I've been using this guide:
I have some Logitech USB Speakers Connected but there is no Sound output. Is there anything else i have to configure?
I also get this line on boot: "usb 1-1: Warning! Unlikely big volume range (=17152), cval->res is probably wrong."
Hi Marco
Are you using USB speakers directly into the Omega dock? I believe the error is because you need the speakers to be plugged into a USB sound card (since the Omega doesn't have a sound card built-in)For more info, check out the USB audio page on OpenWRT (the verison of linux used on the Omega): particular, you can test sound with these commands:
speaker-test -Dplug:front -c2 -tsine -f440
speaker-test -Dplug:front -c2 -twav -f440